Returns are calculated and allocated to member accounts annually on 30 June.
The graph shows the return after fund charges and tax for each of the last ten years ending 30 June.
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
This fund is a charity and pays no tax.
Current Interim Rate
This rate is applied if a member withdraws all their funds before the annual return is applied to their accounts. It does not apply to partial withdrawals.
Current Interim Rate
% for the 7 months
to 31/01/25
Average returns to members (after deductions for charges)
Returns are the average annual return for that period.
Note: Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
Average returns to members as at 30 June 2024 were:
1 year
3 years (p.a.)
5 years (p.a.)
10 years (p.a.)
Fund update
The fund update provides an annual update on the Scheme's performance as at 30 June each year.
The assets of the Scheme are all invested in managed investment products managed by Nikko Asset Management New Zealand Limited. The target investment allocation is:
The Scheme is invested in a balanced manner
Income Assets: 50% Growth Assets: 50%
About the Scheme
Baptist Union Superannuation Scheme provides retirement, death and disability benefits to ministers, missionaries and pastoral workers of the Baptist Churches, ACTS Churches NZ and other participating church organisations.
A separate membership section is available to pastoral leadership students to provide a death and disability benefit.
The Baptist Union Superannuation Scheme is a registered charity (CC27709) under the Charities Act 2005. Baptist Retirement Trustee Limited is the issuer of the Scheme.